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公考作文 2024年06月30日 17:01 14 小星星






句子太长, 能否把不懂的专业术语列出这样较快些.

1. AP center = An accounting entry that represents an entity's obligation to pay off a short-term debt to its creditors. The accounts payable entry is found on a balance sheet under the heading current liabilities. . (出自: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mlp.asp) 应付款中心 (AR = Accounts Receivable 应收款).

2. Nostro account = An account that a bank holds with a foreign bank. Nostro accounts are usually in the currency of the foreign country. This allows for easy cash management because currency doesn't need to be converted. . (出自: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mlp.asp)

3. POD = Payable On Death (死亡才付款), Pay On Demand (要求时才付款)

4. MLP = Master Limited Partnership A type of limited partnership that is publicly traded (上市的有限合夥公司). There are two types of partners in this type of partnership: The limited partner is the person or group that provides the capital to the MLP and receives periodic income distributions from the MLP's cash flow, whereas the general partner is the party responsible for managing the MLP's affairs and receives compensation that is linked to the performance of the venture. (出自: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mlp.asp)

5. CMS = Constant Maturity Swap A variation of the regular interest rate swap. In a constant maturity swap, the floating interest portion is reset periodically according to a fixed maturity market rate of a product with a duration extending beyond that of the swap's reset period. (出自: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/mlp.asp)

6. GMO = GMO is a global investment management firm committed to providing sophisticated clients with superior asset management solutions and services. We offer a broad range of investment products, including equity and fixed income strategies across global developed and emerging markets, as well as absolute return strategies. Our client base includes endowments, pension funds, public funds, foundations and cultural institutions. (出自: http://www.gmo.com/america)

希望能帮上忙. 6.有不同的意思



non-officer 非职员工作(如清洁工)

coordinator specialist : a person who is engaged in planning, directing and coordinating the activities of people buying goods and services. 协调专家,归属于销售经理一类的职位

associate 助理

officer 职员

1 迎送


3 ?

4 ?


6 ?


. 8

1 customer offered and to provide consulting

2 based on individual customers according to the relevant certificate, deal with individual clients process non-cash business

3 guide customers to fill out forms, and to help them deal with debit and credit card

4 quick properly handle customer put forward, avoid the critical opinion customers and cabinet of a dispute, resolving conflicts, reduced complaints

5 and the existing customers remain in regular contact

6 actively to develop potential customers

7 in communication with the customers actively promoted bank financial products

8 participate in credit card promotion activity

标签: 银行职位翻译_银行职员的职责求翻译!!用于简历

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